Auvis: One way messages receiver for network-wide alerts
Some of the main features of Vypress Auvis:
- Vypress Auvis is software designed for receiving messagesand notifications from various instant messaging services, such as Vypress Messenger, standard WinPopup, Novell NetWare broadcasts and any Unix SMB clients. Auvis was initially developed in response to requests from customers with local networks containing several thousand workstations. Therefore, Vypress Auvis is primary oriented for middle and large networks, where most of the users are not computer professionals or where strong chat restrictions are required.
- “Invisible interface”. The user interface of Auvis was designed with the goal of minimizing users interactions with it. The main priority of Auvis’ design is to offer the greatest functionality with minimum (or zero) training time to start working with Auvis. Our tests show that people without any computer knowledge can start using Auvis immediately after installation. Default metrics of the main window of Auvis focus user attention on the incoming message text. “User interface of the program should be like the user interface of the door-handle” — simple and automatic. This is the fundamental intent of the Auvis interface design.
- A wonderful, lightweight and effective program. Another major requirement that we kept in the mind during Auvis’ development is the effectiveness of the program code. Vypress Auvis was developed in Microsoft Visual C++ without using any cumbersome class libraries and components. As a result of the hard work of our developers, Auvis uses only about 200 KB of RAM! Vypress Auvis will never be a RAM consuming program on any PC, even older, low-memory workstations.
- Advanced flexibility. Network administrators can configure Auvis to fit almost any need. All “advanced” non-user features of Auvis can be configured through special Windows system registry values (see Registry Keys of the Vypress Auvis for more information). Using these keys, the administrator is able to disable closing of the program, disable filtration settings, completely hide the Settings toolbar button, and perform many more administrative tasks.
- Complete control over message sources. One essential element of a one-way messaging system is control over message sources. Vypress Auvis (the first one-way instant messaging system on the market) contains features for message source control. Network administrators can allow message receiving from only specified workstations or addresses, disable message receiving from specified workstations, and restrict high-priority messages sources.
- IP-Multicast support. Full and complete support for this newest TCP/IP protocol extension allows Vypress Auvis to fit all network topologies and provides an easy and graceful mechanism for multi-destinations messaging.
- Built-in checking for new incoming e-mail messages. Vypress Auvis can check for new e-mail messages on POP3 or IMAP4 incoming mail servers. This feature consummates messaging control, allowing true control of all incoming messages.
- Easy implementation and deployment. As a product initially designed for use in large networks, Auvis has all the essential features for enterprise-wide deployment, such as silent setup and SMS integrations. Auvis can be started from any location and any working folder, from the registry key, from the “StartUp” group or from login script. The experts from the VyPRESS Support Team will help you design implementation and deployment plans for personalizing your corporate network and solving all possible problems, quickly and easily.
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